New France Project
Your task is to choose a person/figure from the history of New France and present your findings to the class.
There will be 3 major components/expectations of this assignment:
1. Visual Piece: Create an identification card of some sort for your historical character. (Examples: Canoe License, Fur Trading License, Sewing License, Marriage Contract, Age of Majority Card, Church Choir Membership Card etc.)
2. Written Piece: Research information on your person using: the internet, maps, videos, journals, or any other printed material and create a written piece explaining their role in the history of New France (Ideas: diary, journal, poem, song, etiquette guide, letter home, etc.) No more than 2 pages typed (double spaced).
3. Oral Piece: Dramatization of your character explaining their role in the history of New France (can include: job/duties, challenges, education, interests/hobbies, accomplishments, etc.). Can be taped or done live. You must wear a costume and include props.
Due Date: January 6, 2014.