I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me !... Phil 4:13

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


HISTORY:Review videos and notes. Test has been rescheduled to Monday. Click on the links to see powerpoint presentations



-Our assembly is tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you all there, in costume. Parents, I hope you received the information letter sent home last week. Our assembly will begin at 1:10 p.m

-We have completed movie trailers that I would love to publish online. I have sent home a media consent form that allows me to do so. Please sign.
Parental/Guardian Consent Form 
I am  sending you this parental consent form to both inform you and to request permission for your child's photo/image and personally identifiable information to be published on the class blog, the district and/or school's web site.
As you are aware, there are potential dangers associated with the posting of personally  identifiable information on a web site since global access to the Internet does not allow us to control who may access such information.  These dangers have always existed; however,  as school I do want to celebrate your child and his/her work.  The law requires that we ask  for your permission to use information about your child. 
Pursuant to law, I will not release any personally identifiable information without prior written consent from you as parent or guardian. Personally identifiable information includes student names, photo or image, residential addresses, e-mail address, phone numbers and locations and times of class trips.
If you, as the parent or guardian, wish to rescind this agreement, you may do so at any time in writing by sending a letter to me  and such rescission will take effect upon receipt by the school.
Check one of the following choices: 

__ I/We GRANT permission for a photo/image that includes this student without any other
personal identifiers to be published on the school and/or district.s public Internet site.
__ I/We GRANT permission for this student.s photo/image and name to be published on the
school and/or district.s public Internet site.
__I/We GRANT permission for this student.s photo/image and all other personal identifiers
listed above to be published on the school and/or district.s public Internet site.
__I/We DO NOT GRANT permission for photo/image that includes this student to be
published on the school and or district.s public Internet site.
Student's Name: (please print) _________________________________Student' s Grade: _____
Print name of Parent/Guardian: (print) ______________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian: (sign) _______________________________________________
Relation to Student: ___________________________________________________________

Date: __________________


What are Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent?

Make some notes under three different headings of Shrove Tuesday; Ash Wednesday and Lent.

What do other ways do people mark this time of year?

Friday, 21 February 2014


Rewatch the videos on Issac Brock, Chief Tecumseh and the War of 1812. 

Take the quiz at the link below. War of 1812

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


History: Reread and makes notes on the Battles of the War of 1812. Answer #2

Friday, 14 February 2014


MATH: Complete subtraction of integers worksheet

-Camp O submission essay due on Tuesday.
- Donations of socks for the homeless.
-No school on Monday. Happy Family Day!
- Report cards went home on Tuesday . Parents, please return the signed slip 


Camp Olympia Leadership Experience
Student Resume Criteria
Length: one page
ON TOP of PAGE: Indicate Name, Grade and Class
In ONE PARAGRAPH, indicate why you think you would be a good candidate to go to Camp Olympia. Be sure to include a list of your positive attributes, leadership qualities, behaviour both inside and outside of the classroom, and any other things you thing would be important for us to know.
1.    Examples of Leadership in the Cardinal Leger Community
2.    Examples of Leadership Outside of School
In point form, identify the different things you have done that demonstrate your qualities as a good leader. Some of these things may include: involvement in sports teams or other activities, assistance with monitoring, primary soccer, office duty, etc., helping other students, taking initiative to clean the classroom, offer assistance, hold doors for people, motivate other students who are struggling, etc.
At the bottom of the page, list at least 2 references  who would recommend you for Camp Olympia.
Submit this resume no later than  Tuesday February 18th, 2014.

You may then be asked in for an INTERVIEW

The Interview will be 5 minutes long. Teachers will ask you questions about your resume and ask you to expand on the points in your resume. You may be asked to give specific examples of your leadership skills, so be prepared with one or two examples.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Valentine Day's Dance

Tomorow is Valentine Day.  We are having a dance.
Bring in playlists

Wednesday, 12 February 2014



We have been studying the addition of integers. Next, we will be looking at the subtraction of integers.


MATH: Complete handout.
HISTORY: Reread and make notes.Think about jingoism and propaganda.

-Camp O essay due on Tuesday of  next week.

Thursday, 6 February 2014


Math:  Complete handout. Get quiz signed.

Health: Complete sleep, food and activity journal.

Language: Complete Mandela reading comprehension sheet.

Art: Work on landscape.

- Tomorrow is the final day for pizza orders.
- Send me your trailer.
- Bring Sucks, No socks donations.
- Wear Canada colours tomorrow in honour of the Sochi Olympics

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Health: Complete handout
Math: Page 188 #7-15

-Today we discussed hunger and fullness. WE saw the differences between true hunger (eating when we NEED to eat )and eating when we want to eat ( when we are bored, sad or happy).
- Sock donations
- Books and basketball starts tomorrow. Those students who are involved, remember your permission form.
-Pizza money due Friday
- February newsletter goes home today

Monday, 3 February 2014


MEDIA: Project due Wednesday.
SCIENCE: Complete handout.
FRENCH: Complete handout.
HEALTH: Complete handout

-Bring  donations of toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotions, lip balm and socks