I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me !... Phil 4:13

Tuesday 30 September 2014




  1. I think the point of this video is to be grateful for all the big and little things we have in life. To be grateful for the things we don't really take time to notice how lucky we are to have these things. We should also be grateful because some people may not have what we have like a family, a house or even food. We have to learn to give thanks to God and to others and to help others in need.
    - Dakari

  2. Gradtitude
    Why I think gratitude is so important is because without gratitude there would be no peace. And without no peace it would be horrible to live in a place with no gratitude. For example if you lived in a seniors home and you needed help getting down the stairs, you are hoping someone will help you down the stairs. But they don't cause there's no gratitude. But there is gratitude EVERYWHERE in the world. So not only do they help you down the stairs, but they also ask if you need help with anything else. This is why gratitude is so important is so important because not only is gratitude great to receive but it also brings people together. Why we celebrate gratitude in the month of October is because thanksgiving is in October and we give thanks for everything we are thankful for everything we have. Gratitude brings the whole world together and that's a wonderful thing.
    -Dianne Pereira

  3. The virtue of October is gratitude when we give thanks for everything we have. We give thanks because God gave us life and the resources that we need to live. He also gave us friends and family to enjoy the life that he gave us. That is why we give thanks and be thankful for what we have, and what God gave us.

    John R


  4.            There are lots of things to be grateful for in life that we should take into consideration. If you think about it we should be very grateful for little things like a bed to sleep on every night and a blanket to cover us with. Many people around the world don't have such luxury. Imagine having to sleep on the ground with a garbage bag to cover up with. Even if you lived like that you should still be grateful for the garbage bag, it's still better than nothing. We should be grateful for the things that we don't like, such as certain foods. We should be very grateful for being able to have 3 meals a day and snacks in between. There are people around the world who don't have such privileges. There are so many things to be grateful for,  you should take the time to think of how fortunate you are.

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  5. Gratitude is being thankful for what God has given us.We might not always have certain things , so we should be thankful for what we have now.If we are greatful for what we have ,even the small things,we will notice th true beauty in life ,not only the negitive things.Even if things that aren't so great happen to us we should try to remember the positive things in life.The small things that make us happy should be remembered.We should appreciate the love that surronds us through family and friends, because there are some children that don't have any loving hugs to go home to at the end of a school day or to say have a good day at school.We have to remember that some day our family and friends who support us now might not always be there, so we should alwaysbe thankful for them, so we should be greatful for every moment we spend with them.We can all remember to be greatful for our family and friends who love us theway we are, a home to shelter us ,clean water to drink and fresh food to eat and the ability to go to school. All of our blessings we have are granted by God.


  6. The Meaning of Gratitude

    The month of October is gratitude because it is Thanksgiving this month. We call October, 13 Thanksgiving because it is the day our family/families gather to give thanks for our many blessings.

    To me gratitude means to give appreciation. You can show gratitude by just saying thank you. You might not know but just saying thank you can mean a lot of thinks but here is a one example I am really grateful for the thing/things that you just have done for me. So don’t take the word for granted. You might hear these words a lot but there is a true meaning behind it.

    So give thanks and join the moment.


  7. I think of gratitude as a beautiful gift that God gave us. Gratitude means to be grateful for all the things that you have and being kind to others. For example, a man drops 10 dollars out of his wallet by mistake. Would you keep the 10 dollars or give it back to the man. If you give it back to him, he will feel good and do something nice for someone else. Gratitude spreads very fast but no one really realizes. Gratitude is very important because you should learn how to be grateful for the things you have and how lucky you are.

    -Julian Flowers.

  8. kind to others. For example, a man drops 10 dollars out of his wallet by mistake. Would you keep the 10 dollars or give it back to the man.

  9. Gratitude

    This month's virtue is gratitude. Gratitude is an extremely important and meaningful virtue. Gratitude is the feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. Gratitude is not taking things for granted, and enjoying the little things. Never let the things you want make you forget the things have. Being thankful for the little things in life builds character and is a great feature in a person. Being thankful can be as simple as saying thank you when someone gives you something or says something nice to you. Being appreciative is looking around and noticing how lucky you are and thanking God for all the opportunities he has granted you, for being alive, and having friends and family that love you. Those are things you can be grateful for everyday. Here at Legér, I see a lot of gratitude being shown, such as people being excited to make a sports team or saying thank you when someone holds the door open for them.
    Its good to show gratitude because it inspires others to also show it, and to be thankful.
    Thank you!
    - Kalista

  10. Gratitude
    Gratitude is the goodness in our lives. It's what makes the bad days into something good. Gratitude is also being grateful for everything in our lives, such as friends and family. The reason why we celebrate gratitude is because if we don't we will never realize the grateful love that we have. It is also good to have gratitude in our everyday life because without gratitude in our everyday life, the whole world will be full of hatred and know one will experience love and gratitude. Julia Froment

  11. Gratitude is the act of appreciating and being thankful for the things people have done for us. Even if you get a thank you for the smallest thing you did for someone, it can still brighten up someones day. It is important to be greatful because gratitude spreads throughout people in the world and sends the message that it can make someone happier. I think people aren't grateful enough in todays society because we don't even realize half of the great things people do for us each day, therefore we don't say thank you nearly as much as we should. If we stepped back from society and the way we mostly communicate, we can all appreciate, thank, and smile multiple times a day to different people. I thibk the point of this video was to inform people that you can give thanks in different ways, and gratitude can not only make the person your thanking happy, but also yourself. I feel that it really reflects on how you act. If you start appreciating people more often, you'll notice a change and be a happier person. -Emily

  12. gratitude is finding the good things in a bad situation. It is being grateful for the little things that we normally take fore granted. Gratitude is being grateful for everyone and everything big or small in your life. It is also not taking things or people for granted. The point of the video is to take a bad situation and find the things you are grateful for and turn it into a better situation. Like when the girl's car flipped over she wasn't devastated. she found the brighter side of the situation and was grateful for the people who helped her.

  13. I think gratitude is something all of us should give. We often get what we want and dismiss or forget to thank those who gave us what we have. Giving thanks doesn't have to be through words, it can also be through actions, in other words what we do in appreciation. The most powerful and most impactful thanks we can give is to god, through prayers and thoughts he always hears us and acknowledges us. All in all gratitude will make peoples day and will make world a better place to live in

    - Kyle V

  14. I think the point of the video is to raise awareness and to make people think about all the things they are thankful for, even the small things, and even in desperate/hard times. There's always something to be grateful for. It may seem like there's nothing good left, and all hope is lost, but you really have to look for the small things. It may not seem like it, but they're always there. You just have to look.

  15. Gratitude

    Gratitude is a word with many different meanings. It is the essence of our life.
    Without it, the world would be a cold empty void with no meaning of life. Gratitude is thanks. It is the way we show how grateful we are to others. In our world of injustice and crime, gratitude is what keeps us alive and going. Gratitude can make a persons day go from gloomy to cheerful in just one small sentence. Gratitude is respect. It shows others what we think of them and how we feel about them. Gratitude is love. Saying thanks shows that we care and want them to feel good. Gratitude is a gift. Often curses of hate and despise are given but a gift of gratitude is a treasure which is free of cost. Gratitude is also contagious. One person being grateful can spread like a forest fire. Its goes from one person to another except this fire isn't on the outside but it's a warm ember of love in your heart.

  16. Gratitude is being thankful for showing appreciation for being kind and also returning kindness. It is important to be grateful because if you aren't kind to someone they'll think your rude. Same goes for returning and appreciating because if you don't return they'll be think you are selfish or not grateful. If you are they will like you and want to continue talking and being kind to you.

  17. Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful or grateful for something. Like being thankful for your family, friends, and relatives. Some times people need to learn to appreciate things in life because not everyone has what you have. You never really know how much you appreciate something until it's gone. I think it's important to be a grateful person because you enjoy life more when you are grateful for the things you have in life. You also need to be thankful for life's little blessings and for what you've done so far.
    - Prestine R

  18. To me, gratitude is being grateful for what you have in your life. For your family and friends who support you, for being able to go to school and learn, for having a home to go to, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in. Or for something as simple as being grateful for waking up every morning and feeling blessed that God gave you another day of life. - Makayla

  19. Gratitude is being grateful. You should always be grateful for anything you have because there are some people in this world who don't have what you have. It is important to be grateful because if you are nice or grateful all the time, God will return the favour if something happens and will help you. The point of this video is to show that if you are grateful for even the smallest things you will get an even bigger reward in return.

  20. Gratitude

    October is the month of gratitude.
    Gratitude is a very important virtue, it means to be thankful. Gratitude means counting your blessings, noticing simple things, and loving everything that you receive. It means learning to live your life as if everything were a miracle. Having gratitude is important because we get to see the positive side to everything. In the video we watched, a woman's house got destroyed in a tornado because of this her town came together to help fix everything. The tornado was devastating but she realized it could've been much worse. She focused on the positive things like making friends and even surviving. So next time something bad happens to you remember to stay positive and realize it could've been much worse.

  21. gratitude is being grateful for what you have, like when something bad happens, like when someone dies. you must be grateful for the good times you had with them and consider the good times you had.
