I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me !... Phil 4:13

Tuesday 16 September 2014


LANGUAGE: What is the main message of either Cinderella or The Transformations of Cindy R?  Post and reply to comments.

HISTORY: Reread page 10-12. Make notes. Answer #1 page 12.

ART : Complete sunflowers


  1. The main message of The Transformations of Cindy R is do not judge the book about its cover

    # F.C. AGE

  2. I think the main message of 'The Transformations of Cindy R.' is that you shouldn't let yourself be bullied. You should stand up for yourself, even if it means 'transforming'.

    -Zach C

    1. I agree with this statement because that was the main moral of the whole story


    2. I agree with the part where you said you have to stand up for yourself but I don't really think her friends were bullying her they just thought she was ok with it because she never said anything. -Chris

    3. I think that this story definitely perceives this statement.


    4. I agree with you but I don't think her friends were bullying her. I think Cindy's friends were taking advantage of her.

      -Ginelle =p

    5. I agree with you but I personally think that one doesn't need to change or transform themselves to be proud and confident of them. We are all great just the way we are...


  3. I think the main message in Cinderella is too always believe in your dreams. -Chris

    1. I agree with this message because Cinderella was treated unfairly by her family so she couldn't go to the ball but by magic she could do what she wanted to, and in the end, she found true love and dug out of her hole.

      By: Kevin

    2. I agree with Kevin and Chris that the message is dreams come true because Cinderella never gave up -chadd

  4. I think the main message of 'The Transformations of Cindy R.' is that you can't wait for the prince to come and rescue you,rather you have to rescue yourself.No matter if it means standing up for yourself or getting amazing grades.


    1. I think the main message of 'The Transformations of Cindy R' is to like who you are and to know how to stand up for yourself. I think this because when she gets transformed, she doesn't really feel comfortable. In the end she wants to be changed back to her normal self because she doesn't need someone to change how she looks or who she is. she will also slowly learn how to stand up for herself.
      - Dakari

  5. I think the main message of The Transformations of Cindy R is to believe in yourself. If Cindy didn't believe in herself she wouldn't have had the confidence to stand up for herself the way she did. ~Kali

    1. I agree with this because I think Cindy did not have to let people walk all over her, and she could have stood up for herself. Also, I think it is about how not everything is how it seems. Cindy thought dancing with Jeff would be amazing but she hated it.

    2. I completely agree with you but it took her quite some time to finally believe in herself to gain the confidence to stand up for herself after many of transformations.


  6. I think the main message of ' the transformations of Cindy R' is that you should believe in yourself and you don't have to wait for you prince charming to rescue you. you can be your own prince charming.


    1. I totally agree with you because Cindy didn't fall in love with her prince and have him rescue her from her miserable life, she had to gain confidence and stand up for yourself.


  7. I think the main message of ' The Transformations of Cindy R.' is to take your life in to your own hands. Unfortunately for Cindy it took a fairy-godmother do that, but the actual story is trying to tell you to not sit around or wait for a fairy godmother, you have to make your dreams come true. - Claire

    1. i agree with your response and that the lesson we can learn is that the most important opinion is the one you have of yourself -Makayla

  8. I think that the main message of "The Transformations of Cindy R" is that no one is perfect but you should always believe in yourself, be proud of yourself, and not let others take advantage of your because of who you are.


    1. I totally agree with this because you need to do what you want to do and not let others pressure you into doings things that you don't want to do.

    2. I do believe that that's a true statement, but I think it's moreso saying that you can stand up for yourself, even if it requires that you 'transform'.

      -Zach C

  9. I think the main message of ' The Transformations of Cindy R.' is to not let other people treat you unfairly. Cindy let her friends mistreat her by making her do all their work, but by the end of the story Cindy stood up to her friends telling them that she would not do their work anymore.

  10. I think the main message of " The transformation of Cindy R "Is to not let people walk all over you and don't let people treat you unfairly.

  11. I think the main message of "The Transformations of Cindy R." is that you have to stand up for yourself and not let others push you around. In this story Cindy R. let her peers mistreat her until she understood that she has a mind of her own and she should use it. Therefore she stood up for herself and made herself happy instead of everyone else.

  12. i think the message of Cindy R is that you dont need anyone to tell you that you look good in something or you dont look good. i think that you should be the boss of the way you feel about yourself, and you should always believe in yourself.

  13. I think the message of Cindy R is that you dont need anyone to tell you that you look good in something or you dont. i thin you should be the boss of the way you feel about yourself - Makayla

  14. I think the main message of Cindy.R is to Stand up for yourself and not allow yourself to be pushed around. -chadd

  15. I think an important character in Cinderella is the Fairy Godmother because she gives hope to Cinderella that she can go to the ball and not be tossed around by her family.

    By: Kevin

  16. I think the main message of the transformation of Cindy R is that. You are your own person and you have to make the right decisions in life and don't let people take advantage of you.


  17. I think the main message in the transformation of Cindy R is that you are your own person you choose the decisions you make and you have to stand up and don't let people take advantage of you.

  18. I think the main message of The Transformations of Cindy R Is that you don't need a fairy godmother or a prince to rescue you, you can save yourself from your own problem.


  19. I strongly agree with you christian. I think the main message of the transformations of Cindy R is that you don't have to change yourself just because some of your friends of family want you to. Be your own person, that's when you truly start living.

