I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me !... Phil 4:13

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Thursday, 11 December 2014


LANGUAGE: Complete handout

HISTORY: Complete handout. Chapter quiz on Monday


Camp Muskoka balance due

Wednesday, 3 December 2014


LANGUAGE: Summarize chapter 6.

-Pizza Money
-Cardinal Newman trip

Tuesday, 2 December 2014


LANGUAGE: In your reading journals, write about Stanton's reasons to convince the farmers to join the British militia.

ART: Complete your ornament

HEALTH: Reflect on today's lesson. Do you understand the importance of personal hygiene.

Monday, 1 December 2014


LANGUAGE: Use think marks to show your thoughts on today's readings.


-Camp Muskoka forms and money
- Cardinal Newman trip and money

Friday, 28 November 2014


LANGUAGE: in your reading journals, write about the character of Uncle Will or Jeremy. Describe the character. What has happened to him in the third chapter? What type of person is he? What is your opinion of him?

HISTORY: Chapter 2 Test on Monday,  This included the Civil War and the Fenians.

-Camp Muskoka trip money and form due.
- Cardinal Newman concert trip and money due.

Thursday, 27 November 2014



Reread chapter 2. Write a paragraph that summarizes all that has happened the the second chapter.

 Complete corrections on the quiz. Chapter 2 test is next week Wednesday or Thursday.

Test tomorrow

-Mass is tomorrow morning.
-Camp Muskoka form and money is due tomorrow.
-Cardinal Newman money and form is due tomorrow

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Find evidence in chapter 1 to support an inference that Uncle Will is one of the wealthiest people in town
- Work on your love poem

Read over your notes. Complete handout.
Chapter 2 Test next week Tuesday or Wednesday.

Complete your Line Art Christmas ornaments

- Get your history and language quizzes signed.
-Bring in your Camp Muskoka money and form. It is due on Friday.
-Cardinal Newman Christmas concert permission form and money due by Friday.
- Basketball tryouts are this Thursday and Friday.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


LANGUAGE: Complete Metaphor Love Poem.

HISTORY: Review notes. Answer # 1 on page 48. Get quiz signed.


- Muskoka  Money and Forms due Friday.
-Cardinal Newman Form and Money ($6) due Friday.

Canada West- now called Ontario
Canada East- now called Quebec

In 1841, Canada West and Canada East united. This is the first step towards Confederation. Canada is still a British colony.
The role of the legislature is to pass laws.
In 1857 Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the permanent capital.
The 4 political parties were-
The Liberal party (Grits)- active in Canada West
The Conservative party (Tories)- active in Canada West
Bleus - active in Canada East
Rouges- active in Canada East
Equal Representation- each region/colony has the same number of seats in the legislature.
As the population in Canada West rose, they started to believe that they should have more seats in Parliament. They argued for representation by population.
Representation by population- the more the population of a region, the more seats should have in Parliament.

George Brown and John A Macdonald were from Canada West. 
Etienne Cartier  was from Canada East. 

He opposed representation by population. He felt that the English already had a majority in the legislature. The Canadiens (people of French background ) were already a minority in Canada East. If Canada East had less seats than Canada West, they ( Canadiens) would be under represented! He argued that this would be unfair.

Monday, 24 November 2014


LANGUAGE: Write a paragraph reflecting on Jeremy's life as described in chapter 1. Use evidence from the chapter to support your answer.


-Camp Muskoka forms and deposit due by Friday.

- Newman Christmas concert on December 8th. Permission forms and money ($6) due

We  read the first Chapter of Jeremy's 

War of 1812.  After reading this chapter,

 describe life for Jeremy and  provide 

evidence in the story that supports your 


  This was to be completed in 

your reading journal, a neat activity that

 combines what we are doing in Language 

with History!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014


In history we have been studying North America in the 1800s. While British North American colonies are considering coming together to form a confederation, the former British colonies (The USA) was splitting apart.





Tuesday, 18 November 2014


LANGUAGE: Highlight the main ideas, key facts and significant information in the Because I am a girl handout. Write a summary in paragraph form using the information you have highlighted.

HISTORY: Review the day's notes.


-Camp Muskoka trip forms have been sent home. Please complete and return asap. Your $50 deposit is due next week Friday.



American Civil War took place between the North states ( The Union) and the South (the Confederacy).
They fought over whether slavery should be legal.
 The US Civil War is from 1861-1865.
Slavery was abolished in 1833 in all the British colonies.
The North  and the South disagreed about slavery.
The South liked slavery because the work was done for free and they did not have to pay their workers. They felt their economy depended on slavery.
The North disliked slavery because;
1. Southern states could sell their products a lot cheaper than they could.
2. Slavery was wrong. It was wrong to exploit or take advantage of someone for one's own benefit.

BNA supported the Confederacy during the Civil War. The Union was worried about attacks from the borders of BNA.
Confederate agents used Montreal and Toronto to plot against the Union.
The Union was more powerful than the Confederacy.

Manifest Destiny- the belief that the US had a duty to take over the ALL of North America.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Mission 220

It was great meeting with parents and students.

 Next week you will be working on your  Mission  220 plans.

 If you have legos or any building materials that might be used to create a model of your class design, please bring them in. 
Any digital devices are also welcome.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 13 November 2014


LANGUAGE: Similes, Metaphor and Personification Quiz on Monday.
                        Complete Handout
                        Two Voice Poem due on Monday


-P.A Day on Friday.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Happy Blessed Remembrance Day

Great job on today's assembly.

History: Re read pages 41-43. Answer #1 &2
 Progress Reports sent home today. I still have a few interview times available. Contact me tomorrow.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Remembrance day Assembly on Tuesday.
Practice your part!
 Bring in your costumes and money for poppies.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

LANGUAGE: Work on your poem in two voices/ Skit for Remembrance Day

-High school application forms due in the Office by Friday.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


LANGUAGE: Complete Remembrance Day reading comprehension sheet.

-We have our morning field trip to St. John Paul 2 High school. We will be taking the TTC. Bring your bus fare/tickets. A few kids have not brought in their permission forms. Please do so.

-Camp O interviews resume. Scheduled tomorrow are Daniela, Kyle, Victoria A, Victoria H and Asia Marie

- Our Remembrance Day assembly will be nest week Tuesday.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

During the month of November we look at the issue of war and peace. We see that at times war is necessary or inevitable, but it always comes a terrific cost.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

-Mass tomorrow morning. Meet at the Church.
- Haunted House and Halloween Dance will take place on Friday.
-History Test must be returned. Parents please sign.
-High school applications forms  and transition guides have gone home today!

Monday, 27 October 2014


The history test has been returned. The class average was 83%. The marks were generally very good. Please get them signed.
 Special congratulations to Rhea and Vanessa for pulling a perfect score!


Grade 8
Read page 36. Answer #1
Guiding Question: Why were some regions and groups in favour of confederation and others were not.

Grade 7
Re watch class presentation below on the Seigneurial System. Complete handout.


-Parents, history test has been returned. Please sign and return.
- Haunted House is this Friday. Please bring in your spooky decorations
-Mass will be  this Thursday at St. Joseph's



Today's lesson

Friday, 24 October 2014


Read pages 16-17 . Make notes. Answer 1&2
Grade 8
Read pages 35-36. Complete handout

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Reread pages32-34.  Reread your notes.
Review inferring lesson on blog
Complete handout.
Colonies of BNA:
Canada West, Canada East, Maritimes &The West

Economy- the wealth and resources of a country or region.
Economy- refers to how are the goods and services produced and consumed.

 The economy of British North America was weak. Why?

- The population was small. Economies need large populations to grow. There weren't enough people to buy products or to work for businesses.

The 2 major reasons for the colonies to work together:
1. They were worried that they would be taken over by the Americans
2. Their populations were too small, so they needed to trade with each other.

Intercolonial trade- trade between different colonies

Duty/Tariff-  a tax on an imported item
-it limited intercolonial trade
- people had to pay tariffs on items they got from other colonies.

External Trade-  trade outside of  BNA.
 eg. USA, Great Britain....

Goods from BNA were cheaper than goods from the USA because Great Britain put a tax on all American goods. There was no tax on goods from BNA ( now Canada).

Colonial Preference- Britain FAVOURED goods from BNA over  goods from America because BNA was English colonies but USA was a foreign country

Repeal- to abolish/get rid of
Corn Laws- made American wheat more expensive Canadian wheat.

In 1846- the Corn law was repealed in Great Britain
Free Trade- no taxes would be charged on imported goods.

After the Corn laws, Canadian farmers had a hard time.

External Trade
Colonies also exported to USA
New Brunswick exported lumber.
Nova Scotia exported fish.
Canadas exported wheat.

Reciprocity Treaty  was signed in 1854 between BNA and USA. They promised to lower tariffs on the other's goods so that consumers/ buyers could get cheaper goods.

In 1865, USA backs out of the Reciprocity Treaty because
1) The USA wasn't really benefiting from the treaty.
2)The USA wanted to punish Britain for supporting the South during the Civil War
3) They didn't like the tariffs that the Canadas put on manufactured imports.

1) the repeal of the Corn laws
2) the repeal of the Reciprocity Treaty
led business people in the British North American colonies to want to focus on intercolonial trade!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are planning our grade 8 field trip and would very much like to take the opinions of our parent population into account.  Included below is a breakdown of the particulars of the three potential excursions.  We have researched trips to Quebec City, Montreal and Muskoka. Each trip comes highly recommended and offers students a unique educational opportunity.  Please consider the information below and make your selection. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the school.

Quebec City
Camp Muskoka


Length of Stay
3 days, 2 nights
3 days, 2 nights
5 days, 4 nights

Possible Itinerary
-Museum Visits
-Science Centre visit
-Notre-Dame Basilica Visit

-Art Gallery Visit
-Guided Tour of old Montreal
- Montreal Science Centre
-Zip lining,
-Low ropes
-Snow shoeing,
-Inuit Blanket-making

I choose

  • Quebec City
  • Montreal
  • Camp Muskoka

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


History: Use the study sheet to prepare for chapter 1 test

Language: Use the checklist and the success criteria to write your news article.

- Bring in canned goods for the Thanksgiving Food Drive. Tomorrow is the last day.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

In short, gratitude is to be or the act of being thankful and readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. But, between all the big words and the bluntness of that statement it doesn't really represent how powerful that simple act can be. These days we take advantage of what we have and what we're used to, even when we don't realize it. You know those lectures you always get? Like;

" Claire there are people starving in Africa and there you are throwing out your broccoli....."

                     The person scolding you is making a good point, then again its all about how you say it.

                     One in eight people do not eat enough to be healthy. 925,000,000 million people die each year from hunger. 1,300,000,000 billion tons of food is wasted each year." and there you are throwing out your broccoli.......". Now how do you feel about eating all your vegetables?

                     Once you realize how lucky you are you will see that gratitude may sometimes be forgotten and only there when you get what you want. And now that you know, you have to follow these three rules of the virtue;

1. Get It; Know what it is and what it means to be grateful.

2.Show It; Say your pleases and your thankyous to everyone. And don't throw out your broccoli.

3. Be it; Be grateful. Say thanks to God for everything, even when everything's not doing that great.

                   The point is that gratitude is kind of like a super power. When your grateful what you have becomes enough. It makes you happier inevitably making the people around you happier too. So yes, thank and be thankful because what if you only had, today, what you thanked God for yesterday.?

                                                                                                                                                                                ~ Claire ~



LANGUAGE: Post paragraph on Gratitude  to class blog. What is gratitude ? Why is it important to be a grateful person ?

Crossroads. read pages 30-35. Answer 1a and b

SCIENCE: Test tomorrow.


-Bring in your Terry Fox money.
- No mass tomorrow morning

Monday, 29 September 2014


  • Confirmation Registration begins at Sunday, October 5th  at St Joseph's. If you were baptized at another parish, please bring your baptismal certificate at that time.

  • Pope John Paul 11 High school is having their parent information meeting on Thursday October 16, 2014

                 7-9 pm in the school library

  • Boys' Flag Football Tournament tomorrow. Team members should be at school by 8:15 am

Thursday, 25 September 2014

We have been discussing the Holy Mass. Rewatch the powerpoint above and post 3 things that you learned about the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
 Use the powerpoint to answer the assigned worksheet

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


LANGUAGE: Use the success criteria we brainstormed today, to determine whether your new article is good or bad. 

HISTORY: Read pages 14-16. #2-4

RELIGION: What do you now know about Holy Mass? Why is it so special?


-Bring in your pledges.






Tuesday, 23 September 2014



 New France – The Explorers and Military People 
1. What did King Francis I order Cartier to find on his voyages? /2 

2. Identify three ways in which Donnacona and the Iroquois people helped Jacques Cartier and his followers when they first arrived in North America. /3 

3. Why did France continue to send explorers after Cartier’s first trip failed? /1 

4. How did the French explorers get along with the various First Nations peoples? /1 

5. How important was it for the French to have a good relationship with them? /1 

6. Why were the Huron people eager to cooperate with the French? /1 

7. Why was Samuel de Champlain so important to the development of New France? /5 

8. Identify three important facts about Etienne BrĆ»lĆ©. /3 


LANGUAGE: Find news article.

HISTORY: Read pages 15-16

- Mass on Friday morning
-Bring in Terry Fox pledge forms



- Aboriginals peoples showed Europeans the trade routes.
-It is a lot easier to get from one place to another today than it was in the 1800s. 
-Back then,  there were many obstacles to prevent  travel. 
-Colonies were far apart. 
-They were separated by large distances  and great bodies of water.

-Modern technology( planes, boats, trains, canals, roads ) allow us to travel around Canada a lot easier.

-Colonies of British North America were very far from each other.

-William MacKenzie ( a prime minister of Canada) said that "Canada has too  much geography."
-He meant that Canada was very large and it contained many different physical features. 

The Climate in Canada varies from region to region.

Monday, 22 September 2014


LANGUAGE: Review notes on the parts of a news article. Complete handout.

ART: Work on art. Due next week.


Lead: This gives the most important information very briefly (usually who, what, when and where)
Body: It supplies additional information. It is divided into small paragraphs.
Facts: Every news article includes simple, true statements about what happened, such as "The fire which destroyed the entire block, was started because of faulty wiring.
Quotations: These retell, word for word, what someone actually said. Usually these quotations come from witnesses at the scene, or experts on a subject. For example:

Mr. Clem, manager of The Bay, said, "It was an inspiring sight  !"

Friday, 19 September 2014




Read pages 6-9. Make notes on each section.

Grade  8
Read pages 10-12. Make notes.  Answer #1

-Complete handouts

-Complete handout




-Jobs were decided by gender
Everyone helped with heavy agricultural jobs

Boys- fed animals, gathered firewood,cleared fields, built fences and harvested crops

Girls- did domestic work in the home
They worked in the a garden milked the cows
They sun, knitted sow, cooked and cared for younger children

NO indoor plumbing
Light came from sunlight, candles or oil lamps. Wax and Oil was expensive, So people tried to do their activities during the day.





WHO: People from Europe (France, Spain, The Netherlands, Great Britain)

WHEN: IN 1530s, European countries started sending out explorers to find new lands.

WHAT: They wanted to set up colonies in those new lands

WHERE: North America


Challenges/Problems that the newcomers are facing
-The newcomers didn't know what crops to eat. They aren't sure how they might feed themselves.
-The newcomers weren't prepared for the cold harsh weather.
-The newcomers had to deal with the Aboriginals living there. 



-Canada became a nation, the Dominion of Canada, in 1867. 
-Before that, British North America was made up of a few provinces, the vast area of Rupert’s Land (privately owned by the Hudson’s Bay Company), and the North-Western Territory. 
-By 1864, many leaders felt that it would be good to join into one country. 
-Known as the Fathers of Confederation, these leaders met and wrote a constitution for the new country, which had to be passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. 
-Once passed, it became known as the British North America Act, or the BNA Act
-This Act brought together the three provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada (which became the provinces of Ontario and Quebec). 
-The BNA Act described the structure and main laws of the new country, as well as the division of powers between the new provinces and the federal government.

Use a  dictionary to define the bold words. Be ready to explain to class what they mean in your own words


Thursday, 18 September 2014


LANGUAGE: Watch videos on adverbs. Review notes and lesson on blog

Grade 7
Complete page 119
Grade 8
Complete page 113-114


Today  we discussed Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit. Find 3 ways to do what Jesus taught.
Love God. Love others. Help each other

Complete handout.