I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me !... Phil 4:13

Thursday 24 January 2013

'Courageous Wolfe Dies Leading British To Victory!'

The Plains of Abraham is where the French and the British fought it out. At first, the British attacked Beauport shore by sailing through the St. Lawrence River. During the battle, at least 440 of the British soldiers either got shot, killed, or wounded. General Wolfe set up some of the British ships to make it look like they were going to attack again. But it was a feint, so actually, they weren't attacking again. So General Montcalm [the head of the French] sent more troops out to attack the British, which he was sure would come. Wolfe thought that instead of attacking Beauport shore, he would attack Quebec from the West. He knew it was risky because his team would have to climb up the Anse-au-Foulon, which was a short but steep cliff. During that battle when the British made it up the cliff, they used a strategy called 'The Thin Red Line'. The British defeated the French in Seven Years War. They battled in Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, and the Caribbean. After the French surrendered, the British and the French signed a peace treaty called 'The Treaty Of Paris'. Now Britain took over France all thanks to General Wolfe.


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